Attestation of Doctoral and dissertate students at the Institute of Information Technology is held

15 Jule 2016 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies
Attestation of Doctoral and dissertate students  at the  Institute of Information Technology is held

The functions and role of science has increased significantly because of the rapid development of modern information and communication technologies.

Large-scale reforms are carried out in order to develop existing scientific and technical capacity, to train highly qualified personnel, to support scientific research directed  to solve scientific- technical and socio-economic development problems, advanced technologies are applied  in order to organize innovative activity in  scientific–research, scientific- practical, as well as,  training issues.

Under the supervision  of the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh, serious reforms are carried out in the direction of admission to PhD, to increase the  quality, objectivity and transparency  master's degree and doctoral exams, semester exams. For this purpose, order was signed on Conducting doctoral admission and doctoral exams based on test technologies at ANAS” by the of ANAS. According order dated 10 September 2015, theoretical and practical training of computer science and common subjects and semester exams are conducting with test technologies by the Institute of Information Technology.

Special attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel in the academy. Meetings  dedicated  to  the attestation of scientific activities  of doctoral and dissertate students for the first half of 2016  are held at the Institute of Information Technology.

In order to conduct  thesis  high intellectual level, rich outlook, understanding the essence and importance of the issue, to explore solution ways, be aware of world science and so on are required, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician  Rasim Alguliyev said.

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