Methods and algorithms are developed to measure inter-state integration in e-government sphere

08 Jule 2016 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

A semi-annual  report of  No. 16 Department  of the  Institute of Information Technology for the year 2016 was discussed. Head of sector Afruz Gurbanova presented a report. She informed about  scientific-research activities conducting in the department. In the current year, methods and algorithms has been developed to measure inter-state integration in e-government sphere, she noted. Referring to the problems of  computer science formation, she informed about activities done on the development of the terminological information system.

Researches on optimization problems of "Web-mining" and the web sites, transliteration of Azerbaijani language graphics to English language, application of Azerbaijani language in the virtual space, development of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of internet–media resources, formation problems of internet-media  are continued.

Then, head of sector introduced statistics of site appeals for months, years and countries, as well as, statistics of "News" section .

Reporter informed about work done in the direction of development and improvement of web-sites, participation in  interdepartmental seminars, conferences, symposiums, articles published in prestigious scientific journals, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass-media and advertising-marketing activities and scientific and organizational activities.

Strengthening of scientific and theoretical activity of department’s employees, close examination of various problems of web- analytics are very essential, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev emphasized. Therefore, it is very important  to create Web-analytics group in the department, he said.

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