Possibilities of application of ICT in science and education

04 Jule 2016 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

ANAS Institute of Information Technology held a meeting with the head of the Department of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Elnur Aliyev, and Deputy of head of the sector for work with non-governmental organizations and mass media of the same Department Jasarat Valehov on July 1. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize with the activities of the institute and discuss cooperation prospects between the two structures.

Director of the Institute, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliev informed the guests about the Institute created the material and technical and innovation conditions.

Speaking about the recent increases at ANAS of large-scale reforms in the field of ICT, scientist said that, in this regard, the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS assigned specific tasks, scientific computer network (SCN) provides the institutions and organizations of ANAS by necessary modern network services.

The scientist noted that, the main goal is through the integration of Azerbaijani science and education in the European environment to create the conditions for the application of the country's technology and services that meet international standards, as well as for the efficient operation of domestic researchers in this field.

R.Alguliyev informed that, Institute of Information Technology represents our country in the Association of GEANT and in projects, which partner it is: "Through close cooperation with the Association of GEANT Institute of Information Technology has achieved a high-speed development of the national research and educational network in Azerbaijan - AzScienceNet.

With the aim of creating a regional research and education network in Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus carried out by the Association of GEANT project "EaPConnect" facilitated the participation of local scientists, students and researchers in the field of global cooperation in research and education. Academician R.Alguliyev noted that, the technological platform of electronic science SCN AzScienceNet has a fiber-optic cable infrastructure for 95%, after the increase in technical capacity in the Internet access speed was the 410 Mbit / s.

The guests acquainted with the data processing centers (Data Center) AzScienceNet. R.Alguliev informed that, is responsible for its technical performance to international standards Data Center creates opportunities for efficient organization of the activities of institutions and organizations of ANAS, scientists and specialists of integration into the world scientific environment, provides services to hosting and cloud.

Then the guests familiarized auditoriums of Training and Innovation Centre (UIC), equipped with modern computers, electronic whiteboards and projectors, including the process of doctoral examinations on computer-based test technologies via the Internet.

Informing about the activities of UIC, R.Alguliyev stressed that, admission exam and PhD to doctorate at the institutions and organizations of ANAS, exams and exams on the specialty at the institute, as well as exams in computer science and general subjects in magistracy ANAS organized at a high level.

Further, in the distance learning center via video conferencing system was established a direct link with the Ganja ANAS Department and carried out monitoring of the doctoral examinations in computer science, which took place in remote form.

Informing about the activities of the center, Academician informed that, since 2011 the institution has a service for distance learning. Here to perform remote sessions on computer science for doctoral students and dissertators living in Ganja and Nakhchivan.

Further it is planned the creation of distance learning centers in other regions of the country.

R.Alguliyev also informed about the Wiki center operates in the institute according to the Decree of the Presidium of ANAS, 2014.

According R.Alguliev, virtual encyclopedia Wikipedia has a great potential in the field of wide propaganda of Azerbaijan in the world, but also has important implications in terms of the preservation of national interests, the timely identification of sources of real and potential threats against our country, placing the contents here, reflecting the history, modern realities, cultural and moral values of Azerbaijan.

Academician said that, in order to ensure direct participation of Azerbaijani scientists in the wiki projects in all academic institutions and organizations formed a wiki group and achieve academic scientists are introduced regularly in Wikipedia.

He noted that, purpose imparting the necessary knowledge to employees of ANAS institutes and organizations to work with the relevant projects managed Wikipedia and wiki technologies are conducted, at the end of which the participants presented the certificates to the wiki-center.

Next, the guests got acquainted with innovative conditions created for the staff at the Center for e-library of the Institute. Speaking about the activities of the Centre, equipped with the most modern equipment, R.Alguliyev brought to the attention, that, in order to implement self-service for readers installed 3M technology.

According to the scientist, purpose order management, implementation services for readers, the preparation of various reports used successfully Library "Exlibris" control system Alephino Company used in a number of universities and research organizations in Europe.

Academician noted that, classification and resource featuring carried out the classification system of the US Congress Library. He noted that, as a member of the Azerbaijan Library Information Consortium, the Institute has the ability to enter the number of bases of electronic resources. The employees also have the possibility of release in the authoritative digital library (EBSCO, eİFL etc).

Also noted that, the in order to determine the number of scientific publications of scientists and researchers, as well as links to them at the center conducts research using a number of scientific-metric and bibliometric indicators.

Next, the guests got acquainted with the Internet TV "InfoTV" Internet cafes, as well as the services and products of the publishing house "Information Technology" at the Media Center, as well as receive information on the widescreen and high-speed digital printing equipment produced in Japan and Germany, the publication of various books, textbooks and journals.

During the meeting they discussed issues concerning the relations of cooperation between the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS and the Ministry of Education of AR, the results achieved in the integration of science and education, scientific innovations in the formation of a transfer of scientific innovation in the educational environment. He is stressing the importance of strengthening the relations of cooperation and professional training in this area.

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