Researches are carried out to improve the quality of computer services in a corporate environment

30 June 2016 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

A semiannual report of No. 11 Department was introduced  at the Institute of Information Technology. Scientific researches  in the direction of development of methods and algorithms to improve the quality of computer services in a corporate environment are continued, head of department  Shakir Mehdiyev said.

Activities engineering and software services  in personal computers of ANAS institutes and organizations, as well as, equipment of departments and Training Innovation Centre  with new computers, technical base  improvement of  Distance Training Center of Ganja branch  are carried out, he said.

Experimental activities on  application of  biometric identification method are carried out, he noted. Reporter  also  introduced a device named "Nitgen Hamster" and gave information about its working principle.

Shakir Mehdiyev gave brief information about scientific-organizational activities of department, participitation in scientific- technical conferences, seminars and symposiums, promotion  of scientific and practical results in mass media .

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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