Methods and algorithms were developed for the assessment of person's information culture

30 June 2016 - 09:05 | Conferences, assemblies

A semi-annual report of Training Innovation Centre (TIC) was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology.  Head of Training İnnovation Center Rasmiyya Mahmudova spoke about scientific research activites carried out in center. Methods and algorithms are being   developed for the assessment of  person's information culture, she said.

Scientific researches on subjects such as analysis of integration of intellectual game technologies to teaching of informatics, development of methods and algorithms for ensuring information security of children in the internet environment and Testology: current status, problems and perspectives are carried out, she said.

Activities in direction of entrance and doctorate exams on philosophy, entrance to doctorate of institute and specialty exams, as well as, organization of courses and exams at high level on informatics and common subjects are carried out.

According to her, distance learning courses and examinations are organized for doctorates and candidates for a degree of Nakhchivan and Ganja section of ANAS and Nakhchivan State University.

Head of TIM spoke about scientific innovation and practical activities of center. Project Olympiad in Informatics among middle school students and the Republic Olympiad in Informatics among university students were held, she said.

Express-information has been  published named Problems of ensuring security of children in internet this year.

Also, Rasmiyya Mahmudova gave brief information about scientific and scientific-organizational activities of department, participitation in  scientific- technical conferences, seminars and symposiums, promotion  of scientific and practical results in mass media .

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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