Application of Medical Information Systems allows to manage health at technological level

23 Mai 2016 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

A next seminar of No. 9 department of the Institute of Information Technology was held. Senior research fellow of the institute Tamilla Byaramova made a speech on subject Application of software engineering in medicine issues”. She informed about medical-information systems, determination the  security  of these systems  and  current situation in Azerbaijan in this  sphere.

Application of ICT in medicine sphere plays an important role to develop quality of services in this area, reduce duration of treatment, increase the accuracy of diagnosis, conduct treatment  from remote locations and send information of patients to highly-qualified  centers and so on, she said.

Special attention is paid to the development of standards for digital medicine and Medical Information Systems (MIS) are developed. Application of MIS  allows to  manage applied  hospitals  and medical  centers at technological level,she noticed.

According to her, during the creation of medical system areas of terminology, subject should be appointed, a set of rules and  special development methods for conceptual schemes, exchange of information should be determined.

During  establishment of Medical Information System requirements should be determined correctly, volume of information flow should be estimated, technical-economic source  should be provided  and  the standards for data collection and processing should be selected,she noted.

Files and software  allowing to combine  different areas of  health and biomedicine in MetatezaurusSemantic network, Specialist-lexicon knowledge base  are collected, as well as, standards to ensure operation compliance between computer systems  is included, Tamilla Byaramova  noted.

“Kaspersky Lab investigated  deficiencies of  information technology infrastructure medical institutions  all over the world in order to prevent  cyber attacks  medical equipment of hospitals, she said.

Medical Information System  has been established since 2007 in Azerbaijan. Various hospital information systems for applying Exemplary Medical Information System (NTIS) ensuring activity of health institutions are analysed, she said. Application of  Exemplary Medical Information System has been launced since 2008  in Clinical Medical Center of Ministry of Healthcare. Afterwards, this system  has been established  in 8 medical  institutions, she informed.

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