Azerbaijan hosted a scientific-practical conference dedicated to the problems of multidisciplinary e-health

24 Mai 2016 - 13:00 | Conferences, assemblies

During the modern period of one of main goals of strategy of a sustainable development of each country development of health system and medical science which is guard human health.

One of the main tasks of our times, marked technological progress is the development of e-health through the application of advanced technologies and solution of the existing problems in this area.

Currently, in the world are carried out important measures for informatization of the health and improving the quality of the system of e-health services.

In Azerbaijan are also realized appropriate measures in this area.

Today are taken the important steps in the sphere of creation of health system up-to-date, applications in medicine of advanced technologies and solutions of the problems existing in the given field are realized relations with the advanced countries of the world.

The Republican scientific and practical conference "Multidisciplinary problems of e-medicine" which was carried out on May 24 by joint organization of Presidium of ANAS, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan,Azerbaijan Medical University and the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS has the following objectives: to provide scientific support to the process of formation of e-health, prioritize, coordinate scientific research being conducted in this area, as well as to establish long-term cooperation with relevant scientific centers of foreign countries.

During the event, held in the Round Hall of ANAS main building was attended by heads of relevant government organizations in the country, leading scientists and experts of universities and research ANAS institutions in the field of information technology and medical sciences, mass media.

Conference was opened by ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh. Head of ANAS highly appreciated holding of the first event dedicated to the multidisciplinary problems of e-health, calling it an important event for the domestic medicine and science, as well as the public of the country as a whole. He noted that, the conference has great significance from the point of view of the organization of the meeting of scientists and experts, engaged in various aspects of the problems of formation of e-health, to determine the prospects for further cooperation, expressed the confidence that this event will contribute to the solution of existing in this field problems. Academician stressed that, the health system in accordance with modern requirements and providing high-quality health care must be based on the achievements obtained in science and widely used the innovative technologies.

Noted that, AR President Ilham Aliyev has determined by the priority sphere application of ICT in various areas including in medicine, Academician Akif Alizadeh added that, under the leadership of the head of state and thanks to humanistic initiatives of the first lady, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, deputy of Millie Mejlis Mehriban Aliyeva have been achieved the important results in the field of development in the country of health system, protection of health of the population and improvement of quality of medical services.

ANAS President said that, one of the main objectives of the "National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020" is precisely the formation of e-health systems and expand the usage of ICT in this area.

Speaking about scientific researches which are conducted in Academy in this branch, Academician Akif Alizadeh highlighted that, one of main objectives is carrying out researches in the field of the biological and medical sciences which are priority scientific spheres according to modern appeals of the world: "As an example we could mention such modern scientific areas as stem cells, molecular biology and medicine, computer technology in medicine, new pharmaceutical technologies, etc.". Stressing that, the individual scientific centers of the republic are carried out research in the field of biomedical informatics and problems e-health, in various clinics implemented practical measures in order to create e-health, as a result of which received a number of achievements, a scientist at the same time added that in connection with these research there are a number organizational and methodological problems.

Then, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elsever Agayevspoke about the activities carried out in the formation of the country's e-health, and achieved progress.

He noted that, within the framework of the "National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020" are conducted comprehensive measures.

Elsever Agayev also spoke about the challenges facing us in the form e-health, and the works that are carried out to solve them.

Chairman of Committee of AR Milli Majlis on Health, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov told about the care that the state renders the development of health and medical science in the country.

Noted that, recently in health system are carried out successful reforms, Academician has emphasized that, thanks to attention and support of AR President Ilham Aliyev and the first lady Mehriban Aliyeva in all regions of republic have been constructed the new health care facilities and put in operation, in hospitals and health centers are successfully used the latest innovations in medical science, technological innovation, modern methods of treatment, are carried out effective work to improve the professional level of doctors.

He also has added that, in scientific institutions of the Ministry of Health, including in the Center of Nuclear Medicine at the National Center of Oncology are applied the latest technologies.

Speaking about development history in Academy in the field of biomedicine, Academician-Secretary of Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS has noted that, beginning from 70th of the last century on initiative and under the leadership of Academician Jalal Aliyev has been laid the foundation of school of bioinformatics.

Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov has added that, development in Azerbaijan of electronic science, updating of priorities of scientific institutions, application of supercomputer technologies open before us ample opportunities, and has emphasized the importance of researches which are conducted to the field of gerontology and stem cells. The scientist noted that, creation in ANAS Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology is an important step in the field of research that meets the requirements of world science.

Academician also added that, one of the biggest problems is the training of researchers in the biomedical field. According to him, the important factors for the solution of this problem is to attract young professionals in the field of computer science and mathematics to research in the field of biomedicine and preference for these industries when selecting areas of foreign education. Ahliman Amiraslanov emphasized the need for high technology in the teaching of the respective disciplines in higher education and thereby improves knowledge in the field of biomedicine.

Touching upon the issues of expansion of cooperation with foreign scientific centers, Academician noted that, it is necessary to adopt the experience of such advanced countries like the United States, South Korea, England, etc. and to establish long-term cooperation in this field.

During the event, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev delivered a report on "Actual problems of scientific-theoretical formation of e-health, and the prospects for their decisions".

Noting that, e-health is an integral part of e-government, Academician added that, there are multi-disciplinary nature of the problem in this area.

He emphasized that, it is necessary to pay special attention to technological, economic, demographic, psychological, legal, ethical and other aspects of electronic medicine.

Rasim Alguliyev noted that, documents for e-health of the World Summit on the Information Society (Tunis) and the World Health Organization, Concept development of "Azerbaijan 2020: Look into the Future" and "National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan Republic for 2014-2020" a special attention is paid to multi-dimensional problems of e-health.

Talking about the ongoing studies in the field of e-health director of the Institute noted that, was analyzed the state studies in leading scientific centers of the world in the field of formation of e-medicine, carried out the identification of scientific and theoretical and practical problems.

The scientist said need for research in the field of molecular biology and medicine, molecular diagnostics, medical genetics and gene therapy, and exploring possible applications in e-health technology of Big Data and Data Mining.

Rasim Alguliyev also noted that, for ensuring the accelerated development of electronic medicine it is necessary to carry out long actions in the field of training for the specialty "Medical computer science", updating of contents of textbooks and manuals in this branch, increases of knowledge of health workers in the field of ICT.

"There is a big need for development and realization of a state program on formation and development of electronic medicine in the country. Our country has high intellectual potential for studying of the specified problems"

Also, at the event delivered report employee of AR Ministry of Emergency Situations Vurgun Hajiyev on "On the possibilities of medical information systems, which are used by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan", Rector of Azerbaijan Medical University, Professor Geray Geraybeyli on "Computer technologies in medical education", Director of ANAS Institute of Control Systems, Academician Telman Aliyev on "Formation and perspectives of medical computers of the Azerbaijan Republic", Chairman of the Scientific Council on Medical Sciences of the National Coordinating Council of Scientific Research, correspondent member of ANAS Nuru Bayramov - on "Information technologies in medicine and challenges awaiting its decision in the country". Speaking about scientific- theoretical-practical problems of e-health, speakers stressed the great importance of this conference in terms of creating new opportunities for their solution.

The conference continued its work at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS in three parallel workshops, in the sections: "ICT Research and theoretical issues in Medicine", "Practical problems of ICT in medicine" and "Medical problems of ICT". It was presented 75 reports, covering issues such as the conceptual basis of the formation of e-health, its technological support, organizational, legal and socio-economic aspects, safety, terminology issues, etc.