Work continues on the preparation for the first conference devoted to the multidisciplinary challenges of e-medicine in the country

13 Mai 2016 - 11:20 | Conferences, assemblies

As approved by the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev "National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020”, the main priorities are reflected on the formation of e-medicine, increased use of ICTs in health care, to ensure health professionals and patients to receive the latest health information through the use of ICT, development of timely, affordable and effective medical care. 

Performance of the tasks following from national strategy requires carrying out basic researches, research of a modern situation and the existing problems, studying of the international experiment on the respective spheres.

In this regard, "Multidisciplinary Problems of Electronic Medicine" 1st Republican scientific and practical conference, which will take place on May 24 by joint support of ANAS Presidium, AR Ministry of Health Azerbaijan Medical University and the Institute of Information Technology, is important.

AR Ministry of Health was organized a round table for preparation of the 1st conference devoted to the problems of multidisciplinary e-health on 12 May. The event was attended by members of Medical Council of AR Ministry of Health and the leadership of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Speaking at the event, Academic-Secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev welcomed the participants on behalf of the leadership of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

"Achieving sustainable economic growth and progress through the development of non-oil sector occupies an important place in the strategy of further development of the Azerbaijan Republic. One of the main supports of development is the ICT" - R. Alguliyev noted.

He brought to the attention that, currently in the country by President Ilham Aliyev pays special attention to issues concerning the wider application of ICT in various spheres of society, including medicine, are carried out targeted measures in this area.

The scientist told about the large-scale reforms which are carried out in Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences on introduction of ICT in medicine.

In this regard, ANAS Presidium has decided to hold the first Republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the problems of multidisciplinary e-health.

According to Academician, the main objectives of conference are systematization of the studies, conducted in the scientific and educational institutions wich are operating in ICT, joint cooperation with the purpose of the solution of the existing problems and also reports to scientific community of multidisciplinary problems of electronic medicine in the context of information society.

R.Alguliyev noted that, the conference will discuss a number of important issues in 2 directions - ICT problems in medicine and health problems created by ICT.

He added that, the study of ICT issues in medicine plays an important role in decision-making and proper treatment.

Currently, wide application of ICT leads to problems due to psychological disorders and eye diseases. To prevent such problems, there is a need for research based.

Academician emphasized the importance of studying the experience of international organizations and foreign countries, global trends observed in this area, study the prospects of application of acquired knowledge, the implementation of additional measures in connection with the teaching of ICT in health care facilities, training of personnel in this area.

R.Aliguliev expressed confidence that, the fundamental research that will be held in scientific institutions, will give impetus to achieve great success in the field of e-health development.

Then, chairman of the Scientific-Medical Council of AR Ministry of Health, Professor Oktay Sayidbekov spoke about the need for public pro-informing on the application of ICT in medicine.

It was emphasized that, the conference is of great importance from the standpoint of determining the prospects for future cooperation, association and leading scientists in medicine and ICT professionals to discuss various issues of e-health.

Further, were carried out wide exchange of opinions on a subject.

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