Institute of Information Technology expanding international cooperation in Anti-plagiarism

28 April 2016 - 16:00 | Meetings

ANAS Institute of Information Technology along with scientific research is carrying out in the field of Anti-plagiarism, establishes collaborative links with the leading companies in this field.

Under the leadership of the Institute of Information Technology held a meeting between the Regional Director and the executive manager of the company "" Poland Ali Tahmazov and Khayala Abdullayeva on April 28.

At the meeting was presented Anti-plagiarism company system.

A.Tahmazov noted that, the main purpose of the company functioning since 2002 in Poland is to fight against copyright infringement and unauthorized by usage of intellectual property of people: "In order to eliminate plagiarism at the various scientific research institutions is need to usage of efficient devices able to detect the plagiarism in scientific papers, and ensuring transparency is required. There are also opportunities for the integration of experienced experts composed of software products in a variety of electronic and educational system".

The speaker noted that, for the purpose of creation of the Worldwide Anti-plagiarism network are established serving for the protection of research works of students and experts against plagiarism, close ties of cooperation with higher education institutions, governmental bodies and publishing houses.

Noted that, system "StrikePlagiarism" has prepared by the company due to allow detecting rewritten fragments from various texts in works.

According to A.Tahmazov, by the support of "" Co. are carried out a number of scientific events and conferences on issues plagiarism both in Poland and other countries. Support of the company is rendered by the State Committee of accreditation and the Ministry of Science and the higher education of Poland. He noted that, the company's products also include an anti-plagiarism system for secondary schools, as well as an electronic archive service for higher education and monitoring of anti-piracy.

A.Tahmazov noted that, this system has been widely used in many educational institutions and educational institutions of Poland, Romania, Moldova, Germany and Colombia.

Noted that, usage of the StrikePlagiarism system in Azerbaijani has become possible since 2015, the speaker has emphasized that, it is already applied in a number of higher educational institutions of our country. Next, A.Tahmazov spoke in detail about working principle and advantages of the system.

ANAS Academician-Secretary, director of ANAS Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev highly appreciated the presented system and stressed the need to establish a national Anti-plagiarism system.

It has been underlined that, between two structures there are broad prospects for cooperation in the application of information technologies in the field of Anti-plagiarism.

Next, the sides discussed issues concerning the organization of joint seminars and workshops.

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