Application of biometric technologies in e-libraries is the most important requirements

14 April 2016 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies
Application of biometric technologies in e-libraries is the most important requirements

In modern times, scientific and technical progress has stimulated of the rapid development of biometric technologies. Application of biometric technologies plays an important role in the prevention of dangerous activities such as international terrorism, transnational organized crime, as well as weapons and drug trafficking, and illegal migration.

The chief project engineer of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD Shafagat Mahmudova gave detailed information on this topic at the seminar of Department No 9 of the institute. Mrs. Mahmudova presented a report on "Opportunities of the application of biometric technologies in e-libraries". Biometric characteristics include fingerprints, hand shape, iris, voice parameters, facial features and so on, she stated. Biometric technology is widely used by governments in economical, scientific and technical fields, as well as in forensic science.

According to her, it is impossible to find two people in the world having the same biometric features. In this regard, the use of biometric technology is very safe. In biometric identification, information is digitized with special device or scanner, and stored in a reliable database. The user accessing the system submits personal biometric settings through a microphone, scanner or other devices. The system determines biometric data of the person and compares them to the database and identifies the person.

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