BBC inspires young generation of UK students

24 March 2016 - 10:40 | Interesting information
BBC inspires young generation of UK students

Students can program their BBC micro: a bit to become anything they want - from simple games to smart watches and even fitness trackers - all by using one of the code editors at, or the mobile app, and by connecting it to other devices and sensors. The website also features a range of resources and tutorials to help teachers, parents and students take advantage of the BBC micro:bit’s vast potential.

It’s the BBC’s most ambitious education project in 30 years and builds on the pioneering role of the BBC Micro, which helped introduce the nation to computing in the 1980s. It has been made possible only through a ground-breaking partnership between the BBC and 31 organisations including ARM, Barclays, element14, Lancaster University, Microsoft, Nordic Semiconductor, NXP Semiconductors, Samsung, Technology Will Save Us and the Wellcome Trust.
