Senior research fellow of the Institute elected a reviewer of the impact factor journal

02 March 2016 - 11:00 | Important events
Senior research fellow of the Institute elected a reviewer of the impact factor journal

Senior research fellow of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS PhD Fargana Abdullayeva was elected a reviewer of the impact factor Journal of Network and Computer Applications – JNCA published by Elsevier publishing.

The journal (impact factor – 2.229) indexed in Thomson Reuters welcomes research contributions, surveys and notes in all areas relating to computer networks and applications thereof.

The following list of sample-topics is by no means to be understood as restricting contributions to the topics mentioned: emerging standards for internet protocols, Wireless networks, Mobile Computing, emerging computing models such as cloud computing, grid computing, emerging network protocols such as sensor networks, Internet of things, applications of networked systems for remote collaboration and telemedicine, and applications of security in computer and networks.

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