The methods developed for the management of e-government information security

24 November 2015 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The meetings of the Institute of Information Technology to discuss annual reports of the departments are in progress. Yadigar Imamverdiyev Ph.D., head of the department submitted a report for the current year. Mr.Imamverdiyev informed about the results of research carried out on the information security management in e-government. The methods have been developed for the information security management in e-government, and the models have been worked out for the collaborative detection of information security incidents, inter-organization coordination and dissemination of cyber-attacks in e-government infrastructure, he said.

According to him, an architecture and method on the topic "Development of models and methods for the intelligent monitoring of computer networks" were developed, and a method of large-scale network traffic analysis was worked out, and the state-of-the-art of monitoring and measurement of modern computer networks was analyzed.

Mr.Imamverdiyev reported on the development of the intelligent monitoring system of network security, as well as about the results achieved in solving the information security problems of cloud computing systems.

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