Azerbaijani Terminological Information System is being established

19 November 2015 - 04:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The head of department Gulnara Nabibbayova presented the report of the department at the annual report held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Speaking about the importance of the researches in terms of problems of e-government formation, works in the direction of development of OLAP-based information-analytical system in  foreign policy are being carried on, she stated.

Touching upon the problems of formation of terminological informatics, the researches in the  direction of development of methods and algorithms in order to establish terminological information system, as well as, the application of Azerbaijan language in the virtual environment, onomastic informatics, problems of Internet-media formation, web-technologies are being conducted, Mrs. Nabibbayova stated.

Head of the department also spoke about the annual activity of G.Nabibayova informed about the works done in order to establish and improve  the web-sites of different organizations, internal department  seminars, participation at the conferences, seminars and symposiums, articles published in popular scientific journals, scientometric  indicators, propagating scientific-practical results  in Mass-media and advertising-marketing works, and scientific-organizational activities.

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