E-science problems are being investigated

25 November 2015 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Head of the department Tahmasib Fataliyev presented the annual report of the department for the current year. Current situation and development perspectives of e-science in the course of e-science formation were investigated, monitoring was carried out to define the priorities of e-science, the suitable analysis was executed basing on the survey information according to indicators, issues on e-science security provision were investigated and priority directions for its efficient protection were determined, he stated.

 Scientific data problems of e-science were studied, correspondence of the national scientific journals with the international standards was analyzed within the framework of formation of scientific information provision, department chief said.  According to “List of periodicals recommended publishing the results of dissertation works in the Republic of Azerbaijan” of Higher Attestation Commission under the President of AR, 282 journals in 14 fields of science were monitored.

According to him, the results of scientific-research activities of the department were reflected in the articles published in famous scientific journals and discussed at scientific conferences.

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