Colleagues of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS attended the international conference

18 November 2015 - 11:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Ganja hosts the international conference “Integration of science, education and production: contemporary tendencies” dedicated to the 45th anniversary of Azerbaijan Technology University. 

Chairman of NAP of Ganja city Organization Naqif Hamzayev opened the ceremony. Material-technical sources and staff potentiality were improved, important measures were taken in order to improve the quality of education, he stated.

The rector of university Akif Suleymanov spoke about the development of the University. Currently, 2500 students and masters are studying on 21 professions in 4 faculties. Today, ATU is preparing highly-skilled specialists in food and light industry both in Azerbaijan and in all Caucasus, he mentioned.

Colleagues of the Institute of Information Technologies, heads of the departments, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev and Firudin Aghayev also participated in the conference. Mr.Aliyev presented a report on the “Integration problems and directions of science, education and economy in the information society”.

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