The measures taken for the integration of institute’s journals to the international environment strengthening

16 September 2015 - 09:15 | Important events

Scientific-practical journals of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS – journal of “Problems of Information Technology” (PIT) and “Problems of Information Society” (PIS) are being integrated to international scientific space, reports  PhD, associate professor Zarifa Jabrayilova, senior research fellow of the institute.

At present, the number of editorial board members of PIT journal reached 38, while this figure is 32 for PIS journal. 8 members of the editorial board of PIT and 7 members of the editorial board of PIS are prominent scholars from 7 countries. An outstanding scientist, “The father of fuzzy logic”, professor of the University of Berkley Lotfi .A.Zadeh is an honorary editor-in-chief of both journals.

The journals PIC and PIT have been requested for submission to some international databases (Scopus, Google Scholar, EBSCO, BASE, Index Copernicus, Compendex, DBLP, Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library).

Taking into account the importance of the release of English version of the journal a group of translators and editors has been formed.

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