Doctoral exams in computer science finished

12 June 2015 - 15:00 | Important events

Doctoral exams in computer science held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS finished.

The doctoral exams were attended by 712 post doctoral students, which included 330 doctoral and 382 PhD students. 59 percent of the post doctoral students attended the exams was specialized in socio-political, socio-economical sciences and humanities, 18 percent in physical and chemical, biological, and medical sciences, 17 percent in physical and mathematical, and technical sciences, and 6 percent in earth sciences, agricultural and geographical sciences.

27 percent of the post doctoral students was from ANAS, and 73 percent from other academic and educational institutions.

Since February 2014, the Training Innovation Center of the Institute organized Doctoral courses in advance. The basics of theoretical and practical computer science and information technology were trained during the courses.

Note that, the results are known right after the exams.

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