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Structure of the dissertation board ED 1.35:


3338.01 - " System analysis, control and information processing" specialty


1. Aliyev Alakbar Ali Aga oglu (Deputy Chairman)

      doctor of technical sciences, professor 

2. Agayev Nadir Bafadin oglu

      doctor of technical sciences, professor 

3. Babayev Igbal Alijan oglu  

      doctor of technical sciences, professor 

4. Jabrayilova Zarifa Gasim gizi

      candidate of technical sciences, associate professor 

5. Alakbarov Rashid Gurbanali oglu

      candidate of technical sciences, associate professor 

6. Mutallimov Mutallim Mirzaahmed oglu

      doctor of technical sciences

7. Suleymanov Akif Shamil oglu

      doctor of technical sciences, professor 


3339.01 – "Methods and systems of information protection, information security" specialty


1. Alguliyev Rasim Mahammad oglu (chairman)

Full member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor 

2. Shikhaliyev Ramiz Huseyn oglu (scientific secretary)

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor 

3. Abbasov Ali Mahammad oglu

Full member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor

4. Aliquliyev Ramiz Mahammad oglu

Corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences 

5. Aliyev Fikret Ahmadali oglu

Full member of ANAS, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor 

6. Imamverdiyev Yadigar Nasib oglu

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor 

7. Mammadova Masuma Huseyn gizi

Corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor 

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