International scientific and technical conference on the "Role and significant of intellectual property in the innovative development of economy" 13.10.2014    11:33

Intellectual Property Research Institute of National University "Odessa Law Academy" and Ukrainian National Academy, jointly with  Scientific Innovation Center (SIC) Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences organize VI International scientific and technical conference on the "Role and significant of intellectual property in the innovative development of economy", November 11-13, 2014, Kiev. 

The conference to be hosted by the Intellectual Property Research Institute of National University "Odessa Law Academy" (Kharkov highway, str. 210, Borispol subway) will be organized by the State Service for Intellectual Property of Ukraine.

The conference topics include "Relevant aspects of intellectual property in innovation processes and technology transfers", "The of theory and practice of management of intellectual capital in terms of knowledge based economy", "Commercialization of scientific and technical achievements", " training of human resources for legal protection system of intellectual property, information-analytics and innovation", "Some issues of establishment and development of information-analytical support of innovative activities and international cooperation".

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