Competition for doctoral studies abroad for the spring semester of 2020 announced 19.11.2019    15:04

Starting from November 18, 2019, in the spring semester of 2020, in order to strengthen the academic capabilities of higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan, training of doctoral students abroad was announced within the framework of the "State program to increase the international competitiveness of the higher education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023" to ensure doctoral students at the best universities in the world.

According to the program, technical and technological directions, nature, agriculture, health and welfare, economics and management, education, humanitarian and social, for training citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad at the level of doctoral studies are determined. Funding for the education of program participants is carried out in the minimum standard period of study established by foreign universities in which they study.

Financing the education of program participants includes the following expenses:

Education expenses;

  • The cost of a visa and registration in the country where he receives his education;
  • Monthly living expenses;
  • Health insurance costs;
  • International shipping costs

The deadline for filing the application was set for January 10, 2020.

At this link, you can familiarize yourself with the criteria for the preliminary selection of documents required for applying.

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