3D Print Conference to be held in Baku 27.04.2016    11:00

On May 20, 2016 3D Print Conference will be held in Baku for the second time ever and will introduce participants to the technology that  has already used in various industries, and that is becoming more common and affordable throughout the world. The innovative market shows interest in 3D printing technology, in this regard, the conference organizers, Smile-Expo, has decided to show what opportunities are available for business due to three-dimensional printing and the prospects of its use.

The conference will discuss the following topics:

  • Three-dimensional technology as a business. Prospects for 3D printing development in Azerbaijan.
  • Additive technology as an emerging sector of Azerbaijan's economy.
  • 3D printing as a technology of the 21st century.
  • 3D technologies in education: is it worth establishing specialized institutions of higher education?
  • 3D printing in jewellery. 
  • Use of 3D printers and 3D scanners in medicine.

3D Print Conference” 

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