The game platform quickly and easily rehabilitates neurological patients December 16, 2019 | 02:40 / Interesting information

A unique rehabilitation system after a stroke or traumatic brain injury was developed by Australian scientists from the Royal Melbourne University of Technology. Experiments have shown: the system improves the condition by two to three times. Rehabilitation takes place using the EDNA apparatus.

 According to, this is a touch screen with a controller. With its help, the patient can play games of varying degrees of difficulty, which help restore limb mobility and restore neural connections in the brain. The system uploads all activity data to the "cloud" to allow the attending physician to have constant access to information.

"The EDNA platform is not just a set of games, it is a unique device that provides excellent feedback. That is, not only does the patient feel the platform, but it also" feels "the patient, captures his progress and complicates tasks," the university’s report says. The EDNA is undergoing clinical trials in a Sydney hospital. The compact version of the system for use at home is also being tested.

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