A drone with a pressure-sensitive sensor will simplify the inspection of glass panels in skyscrapers November 12, 2019 | 11:55 / Interesting information

Scientists from the China Shenyang Institute of Automation have developed an unmanned hexopter, which is designed to test the reliability of fixing windows and glass panels on skyscrapers. About it writes New Atlas.

The integrity and reliability of fixing panels on skyscrapers must be constantly checked. Now this is done by people who go down the wall of buildings on special cables - this work takes a lot of time and is associated with great risk.

To solve this problem, the researchers created a drone with six screws (hexacopter), on the body of which there is a touch lever with a pressure sensor at the end.

The idea is that the drone will use a sensor to check each panel by pressing on it. If the panel is poorly fixed, the pressure will be low - this will help identify potential candidates for replacement.

Previously, Volocopter signed an agreement with agricultural machinery manufacturer John Deere to develop a giant quadrocopter that will spray crops from the air.


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