The smallest PrinCube color printer in the world can print on any surface October 23, 2019 | 11:04 / Technological innovations

TheGodThings has developed the world's smallest PrinCube mobile color printer. Its dimensions are 72 x 51 x 68 mm and weighs just 160 grams. It easily fits in any bag and connects to your smartphone via Wi-Fi, which makes it possible to download text or an image that needs to be printed.

TheGodThings has developed the world's smallest PrinCube mobile color printer. Its dimensions are 72 x 51 x 68 mm and weighs just 160 grams. It easily fits in any bag and connects to your smartphone via Wi-Fi, which makes it possible to download text or an image that needs to be printed.

TheGodThings has developed special applications for Android and iOS, which significantly fueled interest in an unusual gadget. The campaign at the Indiegogo crowdfunding site turned out to be extremely successful and far exceeded the originally announced amount, having already raised $ 1.5 million, although three more weeks remained before it ended.

A mini printer is currently available for $ 99. In the future, its price will double. According to TheGodThings, the sale of gadgets will begin next month.

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