Intel will show the latest imaging technology at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics September 16, 2019 | 11:16 / Interesting information

At the track and field competitions at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, new visual overlays will be introduced to help viewers follow the race online. In the Intel video, one of them is visible - these are color track indicators that display the names and speed of athletes.

This technology is called 3D Athlete Tracking, or 3DAT. According to Intel, it works “almost in real time,” thanks to artificial intelligence and computer vision, which makes it possible for sports commentators to add it to their live coverage.

Intel, together with numerous partners, will provide the technological component of OI 2020. In particular, its processors will provide the computing power necessary for the face recognition system to identify more than 300,000 guests and participants of OI. Thanks to Intel, there will be broadcasts in virtual reality, including the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games, as well as athletics competitions.

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