Introduced miniature replacement for computer mice August 27, 2019 | 12:45 / Technological innovations

The Tracpoint gadget combines an ordinary computer mouse and trackball - all in a very small case. And it weighs only 24 grams.

The mouse case is designed in such a way that it can be comfortably held with three fingers. Also, its sensor works with any surfaces. As an additional cursor control tool, you can use the trackball ball.

Tracpoint can also be used for presentations. The mouse turns into a virtual pointer - you can switch slides, open applications and perform other tasks. To configure gestures, the device comes with software for Windows and macOS.

The Tracpoint project was launched on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site. By pre-order, a universal and compact mouse costs $ 99, or almost 7 thousand rubles at the rate. The company planned to collect only 5 thousand dollars, and attracted more than 120 thousand, so that buyers will receive mice in October 2019.

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