Scientific and socio-economic problems of e-waste September 18, 2014 | 11:20 / Conferences, assemblies

Head of Department No 6 of the Institute Information Technology, PhD Bikas Aghayev made semi-annual report. The department conducted researches, and developed algorithm to detect performance of the operational management decision-making based on the data audio data base of "call-centers", he said. According to the research achievements, the articles will be developed and published in prestigious international journals.

Bikas Aghayev touched upon scientific and socio-economic problems of e-waste, and noted that the data on the management problems of e-waste in the country and the European Union were collected and analyzed.

The department implemented significant work on the grant project on the "Development of registration and intelligent processing of dispatcher calls and management operations for operational dispatching management complexes of oil-gas sectors" adopted by Science Foundation of SOCAR within the framework of science and innovation activity.

Within the framework of the ICT propagation in media, and advertising a-marketing activities of the institute, the department published press releases at "Trend" news agency on the research achievements on the e-waste problems, he said.

Finally, some suggestions and recommendations were performed, the questions were answered.

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