Doctors have learned to see people through without x-rays and cuts July 22, 2019 | 02:00 / Interesting information

Scientists from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh have developed and presented a new method for obtaining images of human internal tissues without using the introduction of the same endoscopic cameras inside the person. This will be useful, for example, when studying brain tissue.
In their work, the researchers talk about a new method of obtaining optical images of interstitial areas using ultrasound. Thus, the physical properties of ultrasonic waves in combination with optical microscopy make it possible to form a “virtual lens”. With the help of it, it became possible to capture the environment in the thickness of the fabric with practically no cameras and to receive images without opening them.

According to all the same scientists, the capabilities of the technology developed by them make it possible even for patients to use it independently. So, you can stick a plaster, which will transmit data directly to the doctor.

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