Pure increase in the number of domain was 1929 since the early 2014 September 05, 2014 | 02:29 / Important events

The number of domains registered in the national domain of Azerbaijan reached 22760.

5607 domains have been registered since the early 2014, 3678 of which were canceled, ICTnews reports. Thus, pure increase in the number of domain was 1929 since the early 2014.

At present, 21207 .az, 957.com.az, 178 .edu.az, 123 .org.az, 68 .net.az, 70 .co.az, 38 .int.az, 57 info.az, 32. pp.az, 17 biz.az, 9 .name.az, 1 mil.az, 1 pro.az domains are used. Registered 3 domain names include geographical names: gence.az, sheki.az, ganja.az.

Over the past three years there has been a dramatic increase in the national domain zone. In 2009 an annual increase of domain was 2 thousand, while in 2010 this figure was 3 thousand, in, 2011 - 4387, 2012 - 5478. Over the previous year 6199 domains were registered, and more than 2,500 domain registrations cancelled. Consequently, a pure increase during the year amounted 3699. Thus, compared to 2012 the number of registered domain names increased by 30% in 2013. This year the number of domains is projected to be increased by 40%.

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