Wayve taught unmanned cars to drive independently using artificial intelligence April 08, 2019 | 11:00 / Technological innovations

Startup Wayve (UK) demonstrated an AI-based learning system for managing autonomous cars.

Wayve specialists are working to ensure that unmanned cars are more independent. To do this, programmers have developed an intelligent system through which an autonomous vehicle drives independently on unfamiliar roads.

The car travels in urban areas using cameras and navigation system instructions transmitted from the smartphone. The Wayve competitors, in turn, use high-resolution maps for controlling autonomous vehicles, as well as expensive sensors and hand-coded rules. A British startup does not have this.

The Wayve AI system is trained to ride using machine learning. Every time a driver interferes with driving, the vehicle learns from its mistakes. Operators do not tell artificial intelligence how to drive. Algorithms, like a person, learn how to manage transport on their own experience and examples.

The intelligent system was tested on Renault Twizy and Jaguar I-PACE cars. Trips unmanned car shot on camera. The video shows that drivers are at the wheel, but they are not involved in driving. Cars move independently on the roads.


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