AI learned how to write almost perfect fake news February 20, 2019 | 02:34 / Interesting information

OpenAI, a nonprofit research organization, created GPT2's “almost perfect” artificial intelligence for writing fake news. The neural network is 12 times superior to the quality of news writing existing text generators.

GPT2 was trained on a 40 GB dataset - 10 million English-language articles and news were uploaded to the neural network. The system is able to write texts on a given topic and recognizes the style of the text in one paragraph, the developers note.

In addition, AI saved the traditional error of text generators - existing neural networks often lose focus. For example, by the end of a paragraph, the algorithm often forgets how it began.

OpenAI, contrary to custom, did not publish the source code of neural networks. Developers fear that intruders might use it for illegal purposes.

Previously, the artificial intelligence OpenAI Five won with a score of 2: 0 a team of professional commentators Dota 2.

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