Smartphone production faces a shortage of earth resources January 28, 2019 | 02:12 / Interesting information

Modern smartphones consist of a large number of components for the production of which a variety of chemical elements are used. According to scientists, some of them are available in limited quantities and are even threatened with extinction.

In the production of smartphones used about 30 chemical elements. Some of them are available in nature in very limited quantities. Difficulties  delivers and the fact that a number of components can not be fully processed.

It is surprising that everything in the world consists of 90 natural chemical elements. Each of them is limited, and we use the available stock too quickly, so something will disappear in less than 100 years, ”said David Cole-Hamilton, a scientist at St. Andrews, the oldest university in Scotland.

To prevent the complete disappearance of various chemical elements from nature, scientists urge people to dispose of old phones in a timely manner. According to reports, in the EU countries, about 10 million smartphones are thrown out or replaced every month. 

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