China has tested the world's largest unmanned aircraft October 19, 2018 | 11:28 / Interesting information

The tests of the Feyhun-98 aircraft were successfully carried out in the autonomous region of China, Inner Mongolia in the Baotou village. The device is designed for military and civil needs.

China has tested the world's largest unmanned aircraft, which in Russian is called the “White Swan”. On tests, the drone showed itself from the best side, there were no unforeseen circumstances, everything happened in the planned mode. According to preliminary information, the world's largest unmanned airliner is capable of carrying on board up to 1,500 kilograms with its own weight of two and a half tons. It is designed to transport cargo at an altitude of 4500 meters at a speed of up to 180 kilometers per hour.

Feyhun-98 ”differs from similar devices not only in size, but also in maneuverability. The White Swan is able to take cargo from areas with difficult terrain, because it needs only a 150-meter runway for acceleration. Unmanned ship produced by CASC specialists from China. Drone without additional refueling can travel 1200 kilometers.


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