Robot puts hospital gown on a person May 16, 2018 | 05:22 / Interesting information

Engineers of the Georgia Institute of Technology created a robot that, with the help of artificial intelligence, learned to throw a hospital robe on a man. For this, the machine does not need cameras - it focuses on the strength of the tension of the fabric.

The code name for the machine is PR2. According to the plan of the creators, one day he will go to the hospital and hospice to help patients, but now the robot is just learning. To speed up the learning process, the specialists modeled 11,000 virtual examples of how AI pulls on a robe. Among them are unmistakable movements and gross mistakes. Based on these samples, the algorithm learned to measure the strength during the procedure.

At the same time, the robot learns to predict the consequences of its actions. He predicts a fifth of a second to understand how his manipulations will affect a person. According to the researchers, less time increased the number of errors. Now, in order to pull one sleeve gown, the AI ​​takes ten seconds. Experts assure that in the near future time will decrease, and the machine will master the whole process of changing clothes.

Swedish experts are working on creating "electronic copies" of deceased people. At first it will be just programs, but then visually similar to dead robots can be created.

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