GOOGLE INVESTED IN JOURNALIST ROBOTS July 10, 2017 | 01:00 / Interesting information

The program Google Digital News Initiative has invested 800 thousand dollars in the development of the project Reporters and Data and Robots (RADAR), which is conducted by the British news agency The Press Association. The essence of the project is to unite the robotic journalists who will independently write articles based on the information gathered on the web.

RADAR will be launched next year. It is assumed that the monthly bots will generate up to 30 thousand posts. At the moment, five people are working on the project, whose tasks include debugging automation of bots to collect information about medicine, incidents, politics and many other areas.

It is assumed that RADAR will be able to help online publications create interesting clickable content, which, in turn, will allow sites to attract an additional audience and make money on advertising,  reports.

The Press Association editor Pete Clifton noted that professional journalists will not remain without work, but the bots will help significantly increase the volume of news items to a level that even a well-coordinated team is difficult to cope with.

Now the bots are already working in a number of large media, but they still need editorial and fact-checking - the program cannot always distinguish the real news from a joke, for example, therefore, it still needs control from the person.

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