In Sweden, the museum of the most unsuccessful technological goods was opened June 13, 2017 | 04:40 / Interesting information

In Sweden, the museum opened the most unsuccessful (from the point of view of commerce) technological goods. Even large IT corporations sometimes make mistakes, launching a product on the market that is not in demand among buyers afterwards.

Among the exhibits of the collection "Vesta" - a handheld Apple Newton, which was the forerunner of modern tablets. The gadget went into production in 1993, having received a touch screen and even a system for recognizing handwritten letters, but the demand for a novelty was lower than expected, which made developers forget about the project.

Another exhibit is Glass Glass with augmented reality mode, whose potential is overvalued by the corporation. In addition, the Betamax videotapes created by Sony in the early 1970s, but also replaced by the VHS format from the Japanese JVC, are also not forgotten.

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