Stephen Hawking called to begin the colonization of other planets for the salvation of mankind May 23, 2017 | 11:00 / Interesting information

The famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking called for the earliest possible start of research in the field of colonization of other planets, noting that the survival of all mankind depends on this, writes the Independent.

"I am absolutely convinced that we should now start looking for an alternative planet for living," Hawking said, speaking at a press conference on the Starmus Science and Arts Festival that will be held in Norwegian Trondheim in June.

The well-known scientist added that the space on the Earth is almost exhausted and mankind needs to overcome technological barriers that do not allow people to populate other planets in the Universe.

Recall, in March of this year, Hawking said that he plans to go on a space flight on a ship company Virgin Galactic, founded by businessman Richard Branson. According to the scientist, Branson himself offered him a place on a ship intended for tourist flights into space, and Hawking immediately agreed. When the flight will take place, it is still unknown.

75-year-old Hawking since the 1960s suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and is chained to a wheelchair. In 1985, he contracted a severe form of pneumonia, and the doctors had to tracheotomy him, because of which he lost his speech and was forced to use a special voice synthesizer.

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