Siri helped paralyzed man to call an ambulance January 19, 2017 | 12:00 / Interesting information

Despite the ever-increasing capabilities of voice assistants, many owners of mobile devices practically do not use them in real life. However, as practice shows, the voice assistant can be useful in unexpected situations. for example, the network recently came the news that Siri helped the cyclist, extreme Andrew Cho to call an ambulance when he was paralyzed.

At the beginning of January, Andrew Cho was in a dangerous situation. During a dinner with friends, he felt not very good and decided to go home . But there it got worse, and Andrew decided to call an ambulance. However, to do this he failed. ruptured blood vessel and Andrew was paralyzed below the neck. Besides him there was no one at home, but the situation was saved by the phone, which fell close to the face of Andrew Cho. He was able to click on the language button to activate Siri and her cause with the help of the emergency services.

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