28 october- is the birthday of inventor of first microprocessor October 28, 2016 | 04:00 / Interesting information

Today is the birthday of  invertor of first microprocessor Marcian Edward Hoff.He was born in Rochester, New York on 28 October 1937. He attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as an undergraduate, and during his summer breaks, worked for Rochester’s General Railway Company, where he developed his first two patents. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1958, he received a National Science Foundation Fellowship to attend Stanford University, where he earned an MS and PhD in 1959 and 1962, respectively, both in electrical engineering. He stayed on to work at Stanford for another four years conducting research on neural networks and integrated circuits.

As a researcher for the Intel Co, who were developing an integrated circuit for a Japanese manufacturer of desk-top calculators. With a knowledge of computers (then still very large machines) he designed the computer-on-a-chip microprocessor (1968), which came on the market as the Intel 4004 (1971), starting the microcomputer industry.

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