Cognitive IBM platform empower home appliances with new abilities September 07, 2016 | 03:29 / Technological innovations

At IBM Watson cognitive platform, known victory over the people in TV and help in the work of oncologists, will be a new area of ​​application - home - about that IBM representatives announced at the IFA conference in Berlin.

As part of IBM's new initiative will make cooperation with the Whirlpool home appliance manufacturer, supplier TVs and Panasonic cameras, with the creator of "smart" wireless headphones Bragi, with Nokia, which bought Whithings manufacturer of medical monitors, and others.

Watson will confer new powers household appliances. For example, the washing machine will be able to inform the dryer, which program to include just wash clothes, or ask the owner to order a cleaner, if it ends. Watson security cameras will help to distinguish friend from foe, and to recognize suspicious activity. Wireless headphones can not only read the user manual aloud when his hands are busy, but also to transfer to a different language if necessary.

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