Drug-containing nanoliposomes to destruct tumour hypoxic regions August 18, 2016 | 09:00 / Interesting information

The method for delivering medication has been devised by Polytechnique Montréal, Université de Montréal together with McGill University. This takes the form of nanorobotic agents that are capable of navigating through the bloodstream to administer a drug at the target of active cancerous cells of tumors. The advantage of doing this is not only for precision medicine it also avoids harming healthy cells and organs.

The new innovation works differently and it is reliant upon bacteria to help propel the nanobot through body fluids, helped by the use of magnetic fields. Lead researcher Professor Sylvain Martel told Controlled Environments: “These legions of nanorobotic agents were actually composed of more than 100 million flagellated bacteria — and therefore self-propelled — and loaded with drugs that moved by taking the most direct path between the drug’s injection point and the area of the body to cure.”

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