Everything inside this restaurant is 3D printed July 14, 2016 | 05:33 / Interesting information

Food Ink. opened a 3D-printing pop-up restaurant in Shoreditch, London. Using specialist equipment, the restaurant was able to print furniture, cutlery, and food. 

The next food revolution is coming and its starting in Shoreditch. London is set to get the world's first 3D printing restaurant when Food Ink opens at the end of July.

Though not for long, the pop-up is set to be there for just three days – 25, 26, 27 July and it'll also set you back £250 for nine courses. If you don't like being watched when you eat then it might not be for you, the meal will be live streamed online so people at home can you watch you guzzle 3D printed creations. Though maybe that's your thing.


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