Researches on the various aspects of information society problems are going on June 28, 2016 | 03:00 / Conferences, assemblies

A semiannual report of No. 17 department of the Institute of Information Technology Department was delivered.  Researches on the various aspects of information society problems are continued in the department, sector chief  Rasim Mahmudov said. Multidisciplinary scientific-theoretical problems of information society formation, as well as, perspectives of "Single Digital Market" concept realization, Internet of Things and actual scientific-theoretical issues of social media are researched.

Researches on the development of mechanisms for formation and effective  management of e-government, analysis of information war technologies in Wiki-environment, development of methods and algorithms for formation of intellectual e-textbooks, formation of web-resources’ infrastructure for  e-government and development of management mechanisms are carried out.

He informed about activities carried out on Wiki-Center project. Monitoring of wiki groups’activities in the Wikipedia was conducted, consultation services were displayed regarding Wikipedia for different state, education and science instirutions, and next training courses on "Theoretical and practical basis of the Wikipedia encyclopedia on" were launched.

13 theses were presented to international and national scientific conferences, 9 articles were published in prestigious scientific journals of Azerbaijan and leading countries, sector chief said.

Moreover, Rasim Mahmudov informed about  activities on preparation of ” Multidisciplinary problems of social media” I Republican scientific-practical conference. He gave brief information about scientific-organizational activities of department, participitation in scientific- technical conferences, seminars and symposiums, promotion  of scientific and practical results in mass media.

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