Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - Research Fellowship Programme December 22, 2015 | 11:32 / Interesting information

The European Union funded programme for structuring researcher training, mobility and career development

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, named after the double Nobel Prize winning Polish-French scientist famed for her work on radioactivity, support researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality.  Researchers working across all disciplines, from life-saving healthcare to 'blue-sky' science, are eligible for funding. The MSCA also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research study with work in companies, and other innovative training that enhances employability and career development.

Scientists have the possibility to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with competences or disciplines useful for their careers.

Awarding €6.16 billion in the period to 2020, the MSCA support research training and career development focused on innovation skills. There are MSCA grants for all stages of a researcher's career, from Ph.D. candidates to highly experienced researchers, which encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA will become the main EU programme for doctoral training, financing 25,000 PhDs.

What do the MSCA offer you?

  • Prestigious career opportunities
  • Excellent working conditions: employment contracts, full social security etc.
  • Very competitive salaries
  • Opportunities to work and train with the best researchers in Europe and worldwide
  • Whole career training: complementary skills

Who can Apply?

Any natural or legal persons (e.g. any company, big or small, research organisations, universities, non-governmental organisations, etc.) regardless of their place of establishment or residence.

There are four main types of MSCA:

  • Research networks (ITN) 
  • Individual fellowships (IF)
  • Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges (RISE) 
  • Co-funding

There are open calls for each actions. The next call will be on the Marie Curie Innovation Training Network at 14 October 2015.Deadline will be at 12 January 2016.

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