XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects of development of information technologies" August 12, 2014 | 11:00 4761

XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects of development of information technologies" to be held, August 26, 2014, Novosibirsk, Russia. 

Currently, all research areas are developing quite dynamically. Publication of research results is a very responsible and important step for a scientist. A lot of new original ideas, theories deserve an attention of the scientific community. In addition, the presence of a certain number of publications is a prerequisite for the defense of dissertations. 

We invite you to take part in the international scientific-practical conference of scientists and students of the Centre of Scientific Cooperation. 

The main directions of the conference are system analysis, management and information processing, elements and devices of computer facilities and control systems, automation and control processes and production, management in social and economic systems and etc. 

For more information click konferencii.ru 

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