An Interactive Information System developed by the experts of the Institute attracted the attention of participants of the Annual General Assembly of ANAS

30 April 2015 - 15:23 | Important events

An Interactive Information System developed by the experts of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS presented to the Annual General Assembly of ANAS, April 29, 2015. The system has attracted the attention of the participants.

The system consists of 4 sections, which include the encyclopedic information about the founders and presidents of the National Academy of Sciences, about 900 Nobel Prize winners from 1901 to 2014. The Nobel Prize winners Section presents detailed information about the countries and areas, categories of the winners, as well as references. The full information is available at "The information system about ANAS" section.

After examining the system, the head of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic, Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, the head of the Humanitarian Policy Department of the Presidential Administration, Dr. sc. Fatma Abdullazadeh, Minister of Communications and High Technologies, academician Ali Abbasov, and corresponding members, directors of institutes and organizations of ANAS, and others highly appreciated the Interactive Information System as an important source of information.

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