Scientific-practical seminar "AzScienceNet: state-of-the-art, opportunities and prospects" held

10 April 2015 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

 On April 10, 2015, the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS hosted scientific-practical seminar "AzScienceNet: state-of-the-art, opportunities and prospects".

 The aim of the event is to inform scientific and educational institutions of the country about AzScienceNet infrastructure, services, high computational and memory capabilities, its role in the development of e-science, roaming and cloud services, network monitoring and security, the integration to the international scientific environment, as well as research opportunities via the network.

 Opening the event, academician secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliyev talked about the "Azerbaijan 2020: the future vision: Development Concept" approved by the Presidential Decree dated December 29, 2012; “National Strategy for the development of science in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009-2015” approved by the Presidential Decree dated May 4, 2009; “National Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020" approved by the Presidential Decree dated 2 April 2014, and reported about the tasks arising from their execution. Thus, these concepts and strategies identified the tasks such as strengthening the provision of information and the use of ICT in the field of scientific activities and formation of e-science. The action plan covering the period of 2014-2017 for the implementation of the "National Strategy of the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020" also includes the development of AzScienceNet.

 Head of the Department of Informatization of Education Systems of the Ministry of Education Samir Mammadov stressed the importance of such events in the cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in several directions fronts, including ICT.

 Chief Engineer of the Institute, PhD Rashid Alakbarov reported on the "Development stages of AzScienceNet, existing infrastructure and services". AzScienceNet provides broadband Internet services for the institutions and organizations of ANAS for conducting researches and practical issues, he said. ANAS ensures Wi-Fi, Eduroam, Cloud Computing, Hosting, e-mail, distance education, and so on he added.

 According to him, by the end of 2011, DATA was developed on the basis of AzScienceNet for solving complex problems of strategic importance, which emerge in the institutes and organizations of ANAS.

 The development of ICT infrastructure and services, including broadband Internet, fiber optic broadband network infrastructure is one of the main targets associated with the development of information society in Azerbaijan, and AzScienceNet actively supports these activities, Mr. R.Alakbarov said.

 According to the speaker, 95 percent of AzScienceNet infrastructure has based on fiber-optic cable with the support of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of AR. The Internet access speed reached 270 Mbit/s, and so far 4000 computers connected to AzScienceNet.

 Head of the department of the institute, Dr. Ramiz Aliguliyev reported on the "Research opportunities in the information base developed in AzScienceNet". The speaker spoke about the advantages of the use of AzScienceNet, which includes the evaluation of information culture, social network detection, international relations, identifying interests and activity, intelligent analysis of log files. According to him, due to the vast opportunities of AzScienceNet, the adequacy of the methods and algorithms developed by the experts and scholars is examined, tested and studied.

AzScienceNet acts as a network platform and infrastructure of the e-science emerging in the country. "So, purposeful fulfillment being carried out in reconstruction of ICT based science development within “State Program on implementation of the National Strategy for the development of science in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015”- said Tahmasib Fataliyev, chief department of “Role of AzScienceNet in the formation of e-science", and noted about implementation of the “E-science project processing and realization” by the decision of the Presidium ANAS.

Network Administrator Mammadrasul Yagubzadeh brought to mind setting up of AzScienceNet Eduroam service. According to him, server installed on the network has the functionality of the national operator in the country and registered at "European Confederation Eduroam" organization attached to TERENA on November 11, 2011.

Spoke about advantages of using the Cloud-computing services of the AzScienceNet, Tural Mustafayev, one of the network administrators, briefed on "Cloud Computing" computing system which aims at data processing and memorizing of huge organizations in the network environment by using users’ computational and memory resources.  Institutions and organizations of ANAS, the country's higher educational institutions and other scientific organizations and individual users can benefit "Cloud Computing" service of AzScienceNet, he added.

Babek Nabiyev, sector chief of the institute delivered a lecture on AzScienceNet monitoring and security challenges.  Being hardware-software complex AzScienceNet network information monitoring system relies on providing network performance, monitoring and safety of the employees of ANAS in the usage of Internet resources. Information resources, networks and application software of the AzScienceNet network information monitoring system belonging to Presidium of ANAS and all its organizations can be used by employees of ANAS at any form.  

Making speech on integration of AzScienceNet into the international scientific environment, chief department, PhD in engineering Vugar Musayev drew attention to the done fulfillment in this area. With this purpose Institute of Information Technology has joined the GEANT project – huge electronic infrastructure which serves to all the scientific and educational institutions in Europe, he highlighted.

According to him, GEANT is keen to collaborate via AzScienceNet in a number of vital projects. Currently, GEANT with network infrastructure of 50 thousand km, serves to 43 countries, 10 thousand organizations and 10 millions of users in 44 various areas.

Workshop was attended by responsible individuals of ANAS institutes and organizations, including highest educational institutes. 

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