Toys with Artificial Intelligence of IBM Watson Supercomputer to Answer on the Questions of Children

19 March 2015 - 10:00 | Interesting information
Toys with Artificial Intelligence of IBM Watson Supercomputer to Answer on the Questions of Children

n a short time, a number of smart toys which can answer children’s questions and discuss various topics using all opportunities will occur on the shelves of babe stores. These toys were developed by Elemental Path Company placed in NY, winner of the developers’ contest of IBM Company.

Nowadays, Elemental Path has already produced some toys of Cognitoy series. Smart toys were made using three-dimensional printer in the shape of cute dinosaur. There is battery, speaker, microphone and not very complicated electronic filling, which is responsible for toy communicating with cloud computing system, inside of it.CogniToy has only one control function – the button on and off. CogniToys prototypes are designed for children aged four to seven years. However, further improvement of the system will make the child’s age and intellectual level more configurable. It will take a second for a toy to answer such a simple question as ‘What is the distance between the Earth and the Moon?’ The system has also some principles of self-training.