Methods and algorithms will be developed for optimal distribution of computing and memory resources among users of data mining center

29 January 2015 - 16:35 | Conferences, assemblies
Methods and algorithms will be developed for optimal distribution of computing and memory resources among users of data mining center

Chief Engineer of the institute, PhD Rashid Alakbarov made report on an action plan of Department No. 4 for 2015. According to the action plan, methods and algorithms will be developed for optimal distribution of computing and memory resources among users of data mining center, and possibility of using these technologies in e-government environment is intended to be studied.

Mr. R.Alakbarov provided information on extending AzScienceNet infrastructure, and noted that the network infrastructure of the main building of ANAS will be reconstructed, online video conferences will be organized with foreign countries via AzScienceNet, and the Internet access speed will reach 300 Mbit/s.

International cooperation of the department with TUBITAK ULAKBİM and GEANT Association is planned to will be established during the current year.

At the end, the action plan was decided to be submitted to the assembly of the Scientific Board.

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